Our mission is to encourage honest, compassionate dialogue about race in our schools and broader community by acknowledging the lynching of African American Nathaniel Morgan and subsequent acts of racial violence in Iowa. Toward this end we seek to create a memorial in a prominent, historically relevant site that promotes reflection and sustained educational activity. This memorial will demonstrate Dubuque’s commitment to understanding and rectifying racial wrongs and building an equitable, multicultural community.

The few of us who have done a lot of work need more help. With Jordan’s renderings, we have a concrete idea of what the Nathaniel Morgan Memorial may look like. We now have to figure out how to raise the necessary funds and maintain our momentum until the job is done. To this end, please consider becoming a member by filling out the information below. Once a member, you will receive emails announcing meeting times, locations, and Zoom links. Thanks!

Meeting day preference
check all that apply for monthly one-hour meetings
Meeting time preference
check all that apply/ meetings are one-hour long